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Service learning essay example

Service learning essay example

The individual did not properly cite the source due to only using iWay instead of iWay Softare, service learning essay example, which is the name of the company that this article is coming from for one to analyze. Service to Others Do the Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cross and S. It's a Free, No-Obligation Inquiry! Learning and Teaching Principles of Service learning essay example Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper :

CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF Service Learning Experience

Paper Types. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. As my service learning experience, I elected to assist in the dinner service at the downtown homeless shelter. I arrived at the location before five p. I was guided in my work there by both volunteers and social services professionals and, although the actual staff was minimal, it represented a wide range of experience in this type of effort. On one level, my time there passed quickly; there was a consistent stream of people coming in for the meal and this, service learning essay example, combined with my attempting to function in a helpful way in new surroundings, completely occupied me.

At the same time, distinct impressions were formed, the service learning essay example striking of which was how I had never before been within such an environment, even though they widely exist. Then, there was a practicality to the entire service that both impressed and confused me. The shelter was a large, plain building, seemingly once an office or warehouse space. There was little in the way of ornamentation, and everything I took in as I made my way to the dining hall was only there for a purpose; a few chairs against walls, tables with social services literature, and two cork boards with announcements of other types of assistance available.

Before entering, I also was very much aware of the people waiting on the street. They did not appear to me so much hungry, as engaging in a minor social ritual the approaching meal time made possible. Once in the kitchen, I introduced myself to a woman who seemed to be in charge; that is, I waited until she had finished directing someone else in regard to the meal being prepared, and then came forward. This Ms X was gracious, if a little nervous. She immediately told me they were expecting a larger turn-out that night than usual because another shelter was unable to be open. Fortunately, a sizable donation of chicken had come in, so they felt up to the challenge.

I understood that, for this effort, nothing could be worse for these workers than to run out of food. The emphasis in my half an hour in the kitchen, in fact, was always on volume, rather than culinary skill. They wanted the food good and tasty, but it was more essential that there be plenty of it. My job was potatoes, and Ms X trusted me to stir, and salt and pepper, an enormous vat of them, mashed. I was eager to show that I was ready to help, but I must confess that trying to stir a mountain of potatoes with a steel spoon as large as a spear is exhausting work. Around me, small conversations broke out, all based on personal matters being shared between friends or acquaintances.

As in most work spaces, service learning essay example, the nature of the work was not discussed, except when new cooking orders were given. In that time, I strangely lost sight of the objective; I consciously thought that I could be in an army mess hall, or any mass feeding operation. As service learning essay example, and naively, I had anticipated some sort of emotionally-charged, charitable feeling in the room. What I encountered were people busy getting a job done, and I was ashamed of my assumption. Soon after, I assisted in setting out the buffet in the dining hall. I lit sterno cans and filled the steamer trays with water, along with other helpers. At this point, I took in the sparse hall. Long tables, plain chairs, waste containers, and dim windows were all there was to see.

I was reminded of an especially drab student dining hall, as I briefly connected this with the homeless. It seems juvenile, but I clearly saw the common denominator. We all need to eat, and we all often gather in places to do it. At that moment, and only for that moment, I permitted myself a tangible sense of pride in stepping out of my world long enough to help out in an arena where such an experience service learning essay example be created. I was, service learning essay example, then, at the end of the line. Quietly, the room filled, and it was extraordinary. Homeless or otherwise, these were all just people coming together and, while most seemed respectful of the surroundings, others engaged in light conversation.

As noted, the team simply carried out their work, in a friendly and professional way. There were no overt expressions of pity or sympathy, as I had somehow foolishly expected. As each person came to me, I was literally humbled. There is no other word for it, for I felt suddenly a sense service learning essay example privilege in handing over a single service learning essay example. I saw faces, not the homeless. I saw eyes that had taken in life I could service learning essay example imagine, as I saw traces of antagonism and anger as well.

Homelessness is inherently chronic, yet I had a sense of serving food at a battlefield site in a rare and emergency situation. At one point, something in the look a young woman gave me compelled me to violate policy and give her an extra roll. A moment later, Ms X came to me, to ask how I was doing and to commend my help. I believe she had seen the extra roll, but she did not mention it. I suspect she saw many similar transgressions when new people come to help, and she learned that a simple restating of her presence was the best course. It was. In that moment, strangely, I completely understood that undue sympathy could mean someone else going without. The coffee urns needed more attending, so someone else took over the rolls and I helped fill and hand out the paper cups of the drink.

In no time, the trays and urns were service learning essay example and the guests left. I volunteered to help clean up, but they merely asked me to get some trays into the kitchen sinks. Then Ms X shook my hand, thanked me, and said I was welcome to come by anytime. I can recall few validations as meaningful. As I reflect on my service experience, I am faced with unresolved feelings and issues. On one level, all I have described is accurate and fairly ordinary. On another, I retain a sense that I was exposed to a hidden part of society, and I am conflicted in wanting to leave the experience as a memory or pursue it.

I was by no means emotionally overwrought during or after the service, as I am glad to service learning essay example lost my condescending assumptions of a charitable atmosphere in action, service learning essay example. At the same time, I believe I now have an awareness that will stay with me, and affect how I think of the homeless. My desire is to remain open to this awareness, and see how it motivates me further. Organizational Research, Research Proposal Example, service learning essay example. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, service learning essay example, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail.

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Get a Free E-Book! Service Learning, Essay Example. Pages: 5 Words: Essay. This Essay was written by one of our professional writers. Need a custom Essay written for you? HIRE A WRITER! Introduction As my service learning experience, I elected to assist in the dinner service at the downtown homeless shelter. The Service Experience The shelter was a large, plain building, seemingly once an office or warehouse space. Conclusion As I reflect on my service experience, I am faced with unresolved feelings and issues. Stuck with your Essay? Get in touch with one of our experts service learning essay example instant help!

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As noted, the team simply carried out their work, in a friendly and professional way. There were no overt expressions of pity or sympathy, as I had somehow foolishly expected. As each person came to me, I was literally humbled. There is no other word for it, for I felt suddenly a sense of privilege in handing over a single roll. I saw faces, not the homeless. I saw eyes that had taken in life I could not imagine, as I saw traces of antagonism and anger as well. Homelessness is inherently chronic, yet I had a sense of serving food at a battlefield site in a rare and emergency situation. At one point, something in the look a young woman gave me compelled me to violate policy and give her an extra roll.

A moment later, Ms X came to me, to ask how I was doing and to commend my help. I believe she had seen the extra roll, but she did not mention it. I suspect she saw many similar transgressions when new people come to help, and she learned that a simple restating of her presence was the best course. It was. In that moment, strangely, I completely understood that undue sympathy could mean someone else going without. The coffee urns needed more attending, so someone else took over the rolls and I helped fill and hand out the paper cups of the drink.

In no time, the trays and urns were empty and the guests left. I volunteered to help clean up, but they merely asked me to get some trays into the kitchen sinks. Then Ms X shook my hand, thanked me, and said I was welcome to come by anytime. I can recall few validations as meaningful. As I reflect on my service experience, I am faced with unresolved feelings and issues. On one level, all I have described is accurate and fairly ordinary. On another, I retain a sense that I was exposed to a hidden part of society, and I am conflicted in wanting to leave the experience as a memory or pursue it. I was by no means emotionally overwrought during or after the service, as I am glad to have lost my condescending assumptions of a charitable atmosphere in action.

At the same time, I believe I now have an awareness that will stay with me, and affect how I think of the homeless. My desire is to remain open to this awareness, and see how it motivates me further. Organizational Research, Research Proposal Example. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail. Thank you! You can receive the notifications now. It's pleasure to stay in touch! Show all. Paper Types Movie Review Essay Admission Essay Annotated Bibliography Application Essay Article Critique Article Review Article Writing Assessment Book Review Business Plan Business Proposal Capstone Project Case Study Coursework Cover Letter Creative Essay Dissertation Dissertation - Abstract Dissertation - Conclusion Dissertation - Discussion Dissertation - Hypothesis Dissertation - Introduction Dissertation - Literature Dissertation - Methodology Dissertation - Results GCSE Coursework Grant Proposal Interview Lab Report Marketing Plan Multiple Choice Quiz Quiz Personal Statement Poem Power Point Presentation Power Point Presentation With Speaker Notes Questionnaire Reaction Paper Research Paper Research Proposal Speech SWOT analysis Term Paper Thesis Paper Online Quiz Resume Outline Literature Review Movie Analysis Statistics problem Math Problem Article.

The mark awarded is a reflection, not on your intellect generally, but on your ability to communicate your ideas on the subject in question. Many tutors — and students — believe essays help in four ways: Ø They can be a good way to learn. The process of writing will help you clarify your thoughts on a subject or topic Ø They show your tutors that you understand key ideas on any particular subject Ø They are useful as a means of gaining feedback on your academic progress Ø Essays are usually an important part of overall assessment. Essay writing can therefore be viewed in a positive way. However, essays can cause be a source of anxiety to many students, particularly at the start of their academic careers. Many students feel vulnerable when they write and submit essays and feel their intellect generally is subject to official scrutiny.

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When an organization operates its operations in a particular community, due to the business processes there are some responsibilities to the organization. Air France was elected best airline of the year in Business Travel Awards The Financial. Air France-KLM is the only airline which is selected in Dow Jones Sustainability Index in This group is the biggest in the whole world according to their profit growth which is Tonia Email thogan au. An essay is usually a short piece of writing. It is often written from an author's personal point of view.

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Aldous Huxley, a leading essayist, gives guidance on the subject: Like the novel, the essay is a literary Abstract This article will examine the reasons why it is important both linguistically and psychologically to build a vocabulary quickly when learning a foreign language. The article asserts that very little can be achieved or learned in a foreign language with a small vocabulary and that by building a sizable vocabulary quite quickly one can soon be able to function adequately. html   Introduction   It is obvious that in order to learn a foreign language one needs to learn many many words.

But how many? Educated English exam frequently. This helps prevent connection timeouts that might occur with certain Internet service providers, and also minimizes lost answers in the event of connection problems. If your Internet connection does break, when you reconnect, you will normally be able to get back into your Final Exam without any trouble. Remember, though, that the exam timer continues to run while students are disconnected, so students should try to log in again as quickly as possible. The Help Desk cannot grant any student additional time on the exam. Mu-nchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH. Capon, N. Managing marketing in the 21st century: Developing and implementing the market strategy. Bronxville, N. Y: Wessex Inc. Chary, S. Production and operations management.

New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. De, L. The Rough guide to Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. New York: Rough Guides. It is because strong planning makes the subsequent steps easy. If planning is poor, the rest of the activities are bound to fail. It is, therefore, mandatory to spend maximum time and put in the best efforts in the phase of planning so that execution and implementation can be made possible without hassle. In the context of business organization, the major game to play around is maximizing profitability Tulsian, It is the core objective of every commercial organization and the very survival and existence of organization depends upon the ratio of profits it earns. The simple formula of profit calculation is revenue less expense. In order to maximize profits, organizations adopt any….

References 1. Arlbjorn, Jan, Vagn, Freytag and Henning, De. Arlbjorn, Jan. Supply Chain Management. Denmark: Academica. Costes, Fabbe, Marianne, Jahre and Christine, Roussat. Holmstorm, Jan, Ala-Risku, Timo et al. This program experience, concurrent with my faith-based experience developing an additional residential treatment program provided the core of my personal and professional learning of both direct patient care and cemented my belief in the need for such programs to exists and grow to better meet the needs of the growing drug problem in my community and many others. Upon completion of the position of Director of Residential Programs for the Jefferson County Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, I sought out in another position that would further my learning as a community service provider.

My new task would be based around not the management of one county facility but the development of regional programming needs in the are as a member of the Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission -- Quality Management-Substance Abuse Division. I currently hold this position which includes a variety of tasks and learning opportunities: Conducting organizational…. Elder Learning Service By taking part in "Elder Learning Service," one can learn much from the experience. In fact, this is becoming a growing phenomenon both academically and within the community itself. All the research points to the positive impact of how much it empowers individuals into becoming better citizens by becoming self-aware of those that are in need. A service learning service was designed for high school students entitled, "Carrying on the Legacy of San Juan's Elders.

Service Learning: High School Students Engaged in their Community The district in which I teach allowed me to do a service learning project with my high school students upon asking permission from the principal of the school. These were my goals when working with each of them. References Brown, L. Service-learning in gerontology: An out-of-classroom experience. Educational Gerontology, 27 1 , Furco, A. Research demonstrates the value of service learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 91 5 , Getahun, Linde J. Academic Exchange. It should have automated training so that it will be easy to learn how to use. It should be able to centralize organizational learning while still providing for local ownership. It should provide for self-service learning for faculty as well as students.

And it should be able to deploying learning resources and training programs in a quick manner Zeiberg, If one takes all of these things into consideration when deciding on a learning platform will help to ensure that the best learning environment is created for both faculty members and students. Considering that the main purpose of schools is to create a learning community then being able to create the more effective and efficient one possible should be a top priority. eferences Educational Platform. htm Garcia, Francisco J. etrieved September 26, , from Web site:…. References Educational Platform. Service -- Learning Service learning refers to the process where students are integrated into the practice of exercising their class learning in the real world. It is associated with various advantages because the students put into practice all that they have learned in class.

This enhances their understanding of the topics they learn and being able to be more creative than when they were in class. For success to be attained the students have to be made to understand the importance of this exercise. It involves the application of what is popularly referred to as the three Cs. These are commitment, communication, and compatibility as described in this study. Commitment refers to the dedication that is needed to achieve the objective of service learning. Commitment requires the total devotion of all the players in all industries. Commitment is rated as the most important of the three Cs.

It binds all…. nursing school students can apply their critical skills in appropriate ways that maximizes critical thinking. The researchers documented in their research the ability for nurses to interact and learn with people from elder generations. The authors wrote "Educators and instructors who work with young health professionals need to be aware of the short-term effects of service learning activities on students' knowledge of aging in general and their longer term effects on students' knowledge of mental health care needs in the aging population. The knowledge and attitude gains are limited. This may suggest that service learning activities stimulate students' learning of aging issues and older adults' actual needs.

By documenting the way of service as a learning method to explore critical thinking models that can…. References American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Distance technology in nursing education: Assessing a new frontier. Journal of Professional Nursing, 16 2 , American Psychological Association nd. Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education. Viewed 15 Feb. aspx Axley, L. The integration of technology into nursing curricula: Supporting faculty via the technology fellowship program. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13 3. Holder, B. An investigation of hope, academics, environment, and motivation as predictors of persistence in higher education online programs.

The Internet and higher education, 10 4 , Civil Service The war in Iraq has spawned a debate over whether or not all persons should have to spend some time in the civil service when they reach the age of eighteen. There are huge sacrifices that are being made in Iraq and Afghanistan but they only really affecting working class Americans. Not everyone can be in the military but everyone can participate in various aspects of the civil service. The purpose of this paper is to provide definitive proof that civil service should be mandatory at the age of eighteen. Mandatory service Many veterans and ordinary Americans believe that a grave mistake was made in when the draft was abolished. Many felt that military service should be mandatory.

An article in Washington Monthly explains, Such a system should be mandatory not voluntary. It should be broad, not narrow, with exceptions based on inability rather than personal inconvenience. Bibliography Civil Service. Gazette Feb 7, html www. Elementary Special Education Teachers Place Value in the use of Technology Resources for Students? Alix Desulme Technology is an integral part of society. Computers can provide access to videos, documents, and other forms of data that students have the choice of absorbing via visual or auditory methods.

Tablets provide the same access but with a light-weight, touch responsive interface. Comment by Steve Moskowitz: Yes, this is the reason Technology helps provide other benefits. Integrating technology in schools, especially in other areas like special education enable staff to develop new ways of teaching and…. airport we have kiosks and call centers and the e-services that we provide allow customers to check in online and to order tickets online. Professional development services are also available. Our airport is the same as all top-of-the-line airports around the world. Thus airport e-services generally offer "easy-to-access online services for staff and customers" e-services, Our e-services can also be used for public service announcements, such as outbreaks of diseases in areas where fliers might be flying.

Other e-service providers utilize this service as well, such as colleges and places of business that invite travelers or see a lot of thorough fare Clear Lake E-Services,…. References Belk, R. You are what you can access: Sharing and collaborative consumption online. Journal of Business Research, 67 8 : Clear Lake E-Services. University of Houston. Dubai Airports. Serving Online Communities: Service-Learning, Internet Studies,. children in the U. has a learning disability and nearly 3 million have ADHD. Most of them are between the ages of 5 and 21, males whose mothers have less than 12 years of education, of poor health and socio-economically disadvantaged. One in every 25 or 30 school children in one classroom will have a learning disability.

Learning disabilities also persist for a lifetime. At present, these affected children and adults can only be helped to make the best use of their skills and themselves through stimulants and psychotherapy as well as the combined support of their families, school, community and public services. Learning disabilities in children and adults have yet to be thoroughly understood and adequately contained. A learning disability generally refers to one of specific kinds of learning problems, such as the difficulty in learning and using certain skills NICHCY These trouble areas are often reading, writing,…. Blair, Clancy. Proportion of Learning Difficulty Placements Associated with Low Socio-economic Status: Evidence for a Gradient?

Journal of Special Education, Pro-Ed. Farmer, Jeanette. Retrain the Brain Your Family Health Site. Kidsource Online. General Information About Learning Disabilities. Kidsource Online, Inc. html 4. National Institute of Mental Health. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. When children are given the option between a reward they would like and the internal desire to learn something, most children would rather have the reward. That is also true of many adults, whether they are in an educational setting or a business setting. Still, that does not mean that intrinsic interest cannot come along with extrinsic reward, or that operant theory is completely wrong. Many educators mix operant theory with cognitive theory in an effort to provide those with different learning styles more of an opportunity to learn and develop.

This helps to reach the largest number of students per educator, improving the overall educational goal. ognitive Theory of Learning Introduction The cognitive theory of learning has been part of education since the late 's, when a Gestalt psychologist focused on the issue of Gestalt teaching and learning, and what that could offer to students who were not learning…. Carton, J. The differential effects of tangible rewards and praise on intrinsic motivation: A comparison of cognitive evaluation theory and operant theory. The Behavior Analyst, 19, Cavalier, a. Self-management within a classroom token economy for students with learning disabilities.

Research in Developmental Disabilities, 18, Davidson, P. Intrinsic interest and extrinsic reward: The effects of a continuing token program on continuing nonconstrained preference. Behavior Therapy, 9, True learning organizations allocate the time and resources that are required to develop a competitive advantage based on the lifelong learning and training opportunities that are provided to everyone in the organization. A learning organization not only develops the opportunities for learning but it also provides a corporate culture that encourage all of its members to become self-actualized, thereby contributing to the advancement of the larger society in which the organization competes. The leadership of true learning organizations ensure that the corporate vision is communicated to all members and provides a framework in which their feedback is welcomed and acted upon, as well as ensuring that an environment exists in which there "are no bad questions" concerning the direction in which the enterprise is headed.

Learning organizations make it possible to consolidate work and learning as well as encouraging all members of the enterprise to…. References Albert, M. Avolio, B. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence. service encounters from your own perspective as a customer and as a services marketing manager. Part one will consist of examination of an organization that provided the worst service of any organization ever encountered by recognizing the concepts of service marketing from the appropriate chapters of the prescribed text, and Part two will be comprised of an account of an organization doing an excellent overall job by applying services marketing concepts recognized. The company advertised a bundled package that included a home phone and broadband internet service along with mobile phone service. The company failed to inform the customer that the area in which they resided did not have roadband service and sold the customer the bundled package at a set price.

When the customer received the mobile telephone, the customer soon…. Bibliography Frei, FX The Four Things a Service Business Must Get Right. Harvard Business Review. pdf Mishra, S. International Journal of Business and Management. Morrow, P. Most significantly, too, the library runs a free service and a book mobile to reach those who are unable for various reasons such as being handicapped, ill, or elderly to use the library. The book mobile has its own selection of books, toys, and a teacher who is available to instruct those who desire instruction and those who need help with their homework. The library's vision statement is that it seeks to help people pursue lifelong leaning and discovery, as well as enjoyment of popular culture and the arts.

It also seeks to help residents become well informed, to engage each other in dialogue and respectful discourse, and to actively participate in the life of the community. All of this makes it an organization that disseminates learning in the fullest sense of the word. In a practical way -- and as per its mission statement -- it does this by…. References Brown, J. Organizational learning and communities-of-practice: Towards a unified view of working, learning and innovation. Organization Science. Cohen, W. Absorptive Capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation. Cross and S. Israelit eds Strategic learning in the knowledge economy.

Comley, L. Are TAFE organisations learning organisations? Do they 'walk the talk'? The Centre for Curriculum Innovation and Development. Melbourne: Victoria University Cross, R. And Israelit, S. Boston: Heinemann. If teachers fail to design connected scaffolds than the class will develop only limited capabilities. He explains that this can be done by choosing only those scaffolding tools which have similar structures, assignment objectives, and interactive styles Tabak, Hence when considering the scaffolds for developing skills of weak students, I will make sure that the scaffolds are complementing not only the main learning objective but also one another. eferences Biehler, S. Psychology Applied to Teaching: 12th edition. Wadsworth Publishing. Bilal, D.

Perspectives on children's navigation of the World Wide Web: Does the type of search task make a difference? Online Information eview, 26 2 , Cho, K. The effects of argumentation scaffolds on argumentation and problem solving. Educational Technological esearch and Development, 50 3 , Hogan, K. Cambridge, M. Jones, P. References Biehler, S. Online Information Review, 26 2 , Educational Technological Research and Development, 50 3 , Evolution of RTI and Its Purpose The response to intervention RTI initiative is a multi-tiered program that is designed to facilitate the early identification of students with special educational and behavioral needs What is RTI?

The purpose of the RTI initiative is two-fold, with the first being the provision of high-quality educational services and the second being the screening of all young learners in general education classrooms What is RTI? The evolution of the RTI initiative was based on early experiences with differentiated instruction as an alternative to conventional practices. In this regard, Fisher and Frey report that, "In many schools, instruction and time are constant -- they do not vary on a student-by-student basis. RTI was designed as a way to encourage teachers to vary instruction and time to create a constant level of learning" , p.

The RTI program also includes the key assumption…. Service ecovery in a Successful elationship After exhausting all the possible thresholds of the product manufacturing industry the marketers and the organizations are showing a clear tilt towards the services sector. The service industry refers to the companies that are involved in the rendering intangible services for the benefit of the customers. Irrespective of the fact that the service industry deals with intangibles but yet the services sector operates fully to accommodate the basic principles of business and marketing in the competitive environment. The customers and profitable customer relationship management are equally important for the organizations concerned with the tangibles as well as intangibles.

Service Sector Services encompass all the activities of an organization that are mainly focused on ensuring that the requirements, desires and needs of the customers are appropriately catered via intangibles. It is hereby required by a service organization to satisfy the needs and wants of the…. References Friedman, N. Service Recovery. The Art of Damage Control. Korczynski, M. Human Resource Management in Service Work. Lehndorff, S. Working in the service sector:a tale from different worlds. New York: Routledge. technological explosion of the past few decades has taken mankind to heights never before imagined. Today, with the click of a mouse, one can purchase travel tickets, manage stocks, shop, and chat with people around the world. The changes that technology have made possible are almost limitless.

In addition to the changes in daily life, advances in technology have had a significant impact on the field of education. The field of education has been impacted in many ways by technology, including the method of delivery for education. The delivery of lessons in the field of education used to be handled with one method. tudents came into a classroom and a teacher provided the lessons, and the feedback. For younger students, parents were given a 15 minute conference once a year to hear about their student progress. The delivery of education was a single method and it was used for more…. Success Number 2: The outcome of the planning grant was the award of the Implementation Grant Award from TEA -- Projects for Educational Technology, East Texas schools partnered in the Implementation Award Grant, known as "Creating Connections.

Other schools in the East Texas area participated in the training component. An additional seven school districts from Limestone, Hudspeth and El Paso counties joined the consortium to participate in the wining for teachers. The schools in the Central and Far West Texas schools either had video conferencing systems or were planning for full-motion audio-video networks. Their need focused on training. TV 12 East Texas schools now have state of The art technology in the classrooms and access to full broadband services, including audio-video, Internet and data services. University -- Commerce built its classroom along with Jarvis Christian College. The addition of the universities to the partnership had been sought from the early days of planning.

The award for training and classroom build-out provided the teams of students, community members and educators the opportunity to articulate the many needs they had that could be addressed through the telecommunications network. They were among the first in Texas to think about the telecommunications technology in non-traditional ways. Success Number 3: The "partnership building process" continued and resulted in another award. The ET-LINC schools and Texas Alliance for Education and the Arts planned together over an month period. It was agreed that The Texas Alliance would be fiscal agent for a project to utilize the distance learning network as a means of providing innovative programs for students in the elementary grades.

The partnership with the Texas Alliance for Education and The Arts was designed to provide staff development to teachers in the distance learning environment in grades The teacher-training component included use of the multi-media environment to integrate math, reading, and the fine arts. A Meadows Foundation Award provided for elementary teachers to receive training online in the two-way, real-time, interactive classroom. During this three-year initiative, students in these grades will be involved in a variety of special projects in which the arts are infused into the core academic.

This report aims to draw up a management development program, devise a program that ensures that the learning needs of the organization are met in a sound and reliable strategic plan and illustrate how a well formatted strategic plan can tie in the objectives associated with learning and development planning. In addition, the report must also justify the management development program including the strengths and weaknesses of this type of program. By explaining the importance of learning and development in the strategic direction of an organization, the management team is more likely to successfully evaluate what…. Works Cited Ciulla, Joanne B. Ethics, the Heart of Leadership. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishing. Daft, Richard L.

Management 4th ed. New York, NY: The Dryden Press. Dew, John R. Empowerment and Democracy in the Workplace: Applying Adult Education Theory and Practice for Cultivating Empowerment. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Durgee, Jeffrey F. Journal of Advertising Research. The natural environment provides students with a calm and quiet place to unwind from the noises of the classroom. It nurtures and supports animal-life all year round. This is critical for areas where commercial and residential development is reducing most natural areas. Wildlife especially needs help during the cold and snowy months. Students can also see how it benefits the environment.

It also helps connect students to the world of nature. Increasingly, because children are spending more and more times indoors, they are losing touch with nature. Humans, because they spent their first 14, years in nature, have a special bond with the outdoor world. When they are taken away from this environment, through cities, lack of parks, no outdoor play, there can be psychological affects. When taking time to enjoy nature, children will feel better about themselves and the world at large. We are also going to put a…. References Besecker, I. June 11, Greensoboro News and Record. Insanity of Testing Mania. Bredderman, T. Laboratory programs for elementary school science: A meta- analysis of effects on learning. Science Education, 69 4 , Carpenter, R.

A Reading Method and an Activity Method in Elementary Science Instruction. Science Education, April.

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