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Csr essay

Csr essay

In the WBSCD Csr essay Business Council for Sustainable Development report, csr essay, it has been mentioned that how CSR delivers benefits to the businesses. Home — Essay Samples — Business — Corporate Social Responsibility. The business ethic will match and support CSR when the companies have a written code of ethic which is used to prove the company is acting on its best to fulfill social responsibility Vitez, n. Removal Request. CSR Case Study.

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Read essays samples written by our professional writers and feel free to use them as a source of inspiration and ideas for your own academic work. To what extent do you agree with this statement? The late Milton Friedman, a venerated American economist, csr essay, promoted the idea that businesses only had one responsibility, csr essay, csr essay that was to maximize returns to its shareholders Friedman This line of thinking has gathered a significant amount of attention and debate as some elements of society move on to a more conscientious and careful worldview where issues such as sustainability and responsibility are, or should be prioritized.

The purpose of this paper is csr essay take an in depth look at Corporate Social Responsibility CSR. This can csr essay described as: a concept that challenges the conventionally-held belief that the sole purpose of a business is to create profit. You're lucky! Order Now. Proponents of CSR put forward the case that the role of businesses must go beyond increasing their own profit margins: they must contribute to causes such as human rights, the environment and animal welfare — or at the very least, take strong measures to do no harm in these areas.

This can be witnessed in large-scale corporations such as McDonalds and Nike, but also among smaller companies that are just starting out Crane Governments have also begun encouraging CSR practices and Non-Government Organisations NGOscsr essay, actively work to elevate standards of ethics and hold firms accountable through strategic partnerships Crane However, because CSR is a relatively new concept in terms of popularity, it has also been a matter of debate. There are people within the business community, as well as in academia csr essay the general public, who feel that CSR makes unrealistic or misplaced demands on businesses. This essay seeks to answer this question through an examination of both sides of the argument.

While CSR is a growing practice which is becoming more deeply embedded within csr essay of the most powerful corporate structures, there are still many companies both large and small that have not followed suit. There are many companies which have not taken any measures to demonstrate csr essay they care about social or environmental causes. Furthermore, there are companies which have made vague commitments to CSR, yet carry out their policies half-heartedly, csr essay, or lack transparency in their efforts. The main reason for this resistance toward CSR is that csr essay companies believe first and foremost in the pursuit of profit.

This means that humanitarian and environmental concerns go unaddressed by some businesses, with opponents of CSR actually believing that this non-obligatory outlook is better for society since governments and NGOs maybe better suited to address those issues. Child labor is a good example of this dilemma. To that end, corporations must conduct their operations through a lens of ethics rather than law alone. For example, Starbucks is an extremely successful world-renowned business which boasts a brand built on being socially conscious and sustainable. Making their cups recyclable and providing recycling bins in stores keeps csr essay customers happy, and therefore, turns a higher profit.

This demonstrates how CSR and profits are not mutually exclusive, csr essay, but mutually reinforcing. In regard to the argument that corporations have no business in creating societal change, one needs only to consider the wonderful contributions made by businesses in the areas of humanitarianism and environmentalism. These measures can succeed through collaboration with governments, NGOs and community leaders, and by hiring specialists or consultants. In conclusion, I want to emphasize although businesses will almost always be motivated by generating revenue, they also have social responsibilities.

Ethics should be the focus as opposed to simply adhering to only the most enforceable laws. It should be about responsibility. It should be about public good, not private greed. Perhaps this sounds like a tall order. But corporations worldwide are doing their best, and not only are these ethical businesses seeing large profits, csr essay, they are also truly making a difference. The Simon Group is strongly committed to serving and helping the communities that are directly csr essay indirectly affected by csr essay operations, csr essay.

The corporation is committed to the State of Michigan…. The American Airline Group has high regard for corporate social responsibility. It is always seeking to build a culture of mutual trust and corporate responsibility with the stakeholders who include…. Over the past 20 years, corporate social responsibility CSR has moved to the forefront of all business interactions, most specifically in western business practices. Corporate U. scandals including Enron, World…. What happens when critical services are subject to a strike, how does it affect the general public? Strikes leads to many factors that contribute csr essay some activities in the communities….

The vision and the mission of the Coca-Cola company are based on the long history of the brand. Primarily, csr essay, it looks at the final destination where the business process of…. Coca Cola Life is a product from the think tank of the Coca Cola Company that is essentially a stevia-sweetened version of the regular formula, csr essay. According to Suddath the…. The company's flagship product, Coca-cola, csr essay, was invented…. Coca-Cola is one of the strongest brands in the world, supporting one of the most successful companies in the world. The company has cultivated a loyal following, and it has….

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Essay examples. Corporate Social Responsibility csr word 1 Page. The Government of Canada understands that responsible corporate behavior by Canadian companies operating internationally not only enhances their chances for Corporate Social Responsibility. For a long period of time researchers anticipate consumers shall act accordingly with their corporate social responsibility information process, supporting companies with good CSR reputation than those who have poor ethical records. Such actions, consumer would be able to influence companies to create a social Consumer Behavior Corporate Social Responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility is a collective duty that aims changes in the society, but it is not actions to replace government operations and policies like poverty eradication.

CSR has issues and concerns worldwide. A wide spread number of enterprises including Small and Medium Enterprise, are Company Corporate Social Responsibility Society. The authors, through this article, provide a thorough examination of strategies that can enhance competitive advantage a business. The article reasons that nonmarket strategies can be useful for businesses in order to gain competitive edge. The article also presents an analysis on an unclear mechanism Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.

Profit is the lifeblood of every form of business, be it a sole proprietorship, partnership or a corporation. Corporate Finance Corporate Social Responsibility. There are many different clubs which are committed to Corporate Social Responsibility CSR programs such as, Manchester City, Chelsea and FC Barcelona. This is because football clubs are now seen as significant businesses which have a direct impact on the key stakeholders such as the Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility By evaluating the case study the first point which comes to mind is business ethics and business morals, ethical standards that may be involve in any business environment.

Briefly to say, Ethics is the moral standards of what is Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility Society. This responsibility is lifted much higher Corporate Social Responsibility Ethics Society. Code of Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility Google. Coporate Social Responsibility CSR is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable — to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. The qualitative research method, with Since the s, media, government and the public have been increasingly concerned in terms of environmental and social consequences beyond corporate activities.

Ecological scandals, employee welfare exploitation and negative social responsibility news release attract considerable publicity. Investors have easy access to detailed CSR ranking reports In other words, CSR is a decision making process that business Corporate Social Responsibility Toyota. The wanton disregard of the environment by a few companies when it comes to handling of industrial waste, the use of recyclable paper or sheer indifference when it comes to environmental protection is shocking. As aforementioned, corporate social responsibility involves activities that give back to the community, or ensure fairness in the running of activities Crowther and Rayman-Bacchu The protection of the environment has become the center stage of many humanitarian organizations.

Most of these humanitarian organizations argue that the protection of the environment should be the key concern of any corporation. This is because; the environment is the only natural resource that is invaluable to the human race. The issue of handling industrial waste by many corporations has always been at the forefront of many environmental organizations. This is because corporations are guilty on more than one accord of irresponsibly handling their waste. Evidence such as the great pacific garbage patch exists to show how many corporations are not handling the dumping of waste seriously.

The great pacific garbage patch is a myriad of human waste that has found its way into the ocean after being improperly dumped. The great pacific garbage patch leads to problems such as loss of aquatic life and the contamination of the water not mentioning the introduction of many pollutants into the water Werther and Chandler Corporate social responsibility makes it clear that it is certainly unethical for these corporations to be making profits at the expense of the environment and other aspects of the human life. Corporate social responsibility makes it clear that corporations should therefore find better ways to handle their waste disposal. Even though it is currently not clear on what is the best way to handle some waste such as hot water, responsibility means that before waste is disposed, it should pass some tests.

The tests could ensure that the waste is safe for disposal and would not in any way harm human beings and other life. Corporate social responsibility is therefore viewed as a control mechanism to ensure that multi-corporations are responsible for their actions Werther and Chandler The global financial meltdown uncovered many social norms previously unimagined. The number of people who lost their jobs due to the financial situation is appalling. Interestingly, this does not mean that multi-national corporations are necessarily suffering. Most of the established companies with branches all over the world took the excuse of the financial breakdown to benefit. All of a sudden, it was okay to lay off people on the pretext of financial gloom. This means that a few people were benefiting from the woes of a thousand more.

The issue of corporate social responsibility presents itself in this situation in that, the multi-corporations are run by a board of governors. The board of governors is usually composed of a few individuals that call all the shots. It is common knowledge that these corporations employ a huge number of persons in many sectors of the economy. When the profits of these gigantic companies fail to reach a certain goal, the running costs of the business have to be checked. This is why, the few persons at the top, not wanting to lose, resort to firing some people. This is done so as to maintain the profits at a certain level.

The problem is that when all of the multinational companies resort to firing a few employees, the net effect is that, a large number of persons end up losing their jobs. Corporate social responsibility ensures that corporations the world over are engaged in other activities that give back to the community Crowther and Rayman-Bacchu Many activities that are considered helpful include: organizing activities that seek to involve the community in such events as fund raising for the needy, events that seek to help out the disadvantage in society and other similar activities.

In the financial and corporate world, corporate social responsibility is given with a positive impact on performance. There are, however, several factors that show the need for corporate social responsibility. The first factor is population. This presents a challenge to companies seeking to involve themselves in corporate social responsibility, since it is clear that a lot of financial support will be required for these populations. The second factor is wealth. Despite the fact that global wealth is rising, the income gap has grown wider, threatening civil society. Seventy eight percent of the world can be classified as poor, with eleven percent in the middle class, and only eleven percent can be classified as rich.

Each and every company should strive to be involved in attempting to balance this distribution of wealth. The trend of the rich growing richer while the poor grow poorer should be eliminated, since it is unethical for some people to have so much and for others to have nothing at all. The third factor is nutrition. There are millions of people who are malnourished, amidst an abundance of food. Thousands die of hunger every year, while rich corporations blow millions on fancy holidays for their executives. It is crucial for each company to take time and reflect on the finances it spends on benefits for its executives, as compared to that spent on helping the needy in society. While these benefits are vital for employee motivation, they should not be taken overboard at the expense of the suffering masses.

Education is another critical factor that should be considered in the design of corporate social responsibility programs. Basic education is widespread, but opportunities for learning continue to elude many. Over one hundred million children are not in school, with ninety-seven percent of these being in developing countries. One in every five adults globally is illiterate, which are staggering figures given the widespread opportunities to learn available today. Corporates are faced with the challenge of promoting education by setting up schools, and funding educational development programs. Education can also be encouraged by taking in interns and trainees and giving them an opportunity to learn the tricks of the job, which will enable them compete fairly in the corporate world Crowther and Rayman-Bacchu In conclusion, this paper has shown that corporate social responsibility is a vital element for nay business corporations.

It has been shown that there are many different areas in which a company may choose to focus its corporate social responsibility. The first area of focus in corporate social responsibility is with regard to the environment. Other areas that should be considered in the development of corporate social responsibility programs are education, health, nutrition and employment. These elements are not only aspects of corporate social responsibility, but also a show of the ethical standards of a company. It is unethical for some individuals to own so much and earn so much, at the expense of other suffering members of society.

It is also unethical for companies to engage in environmentally degrading practices that result in illnesses and loss of life. It can be concluded that Social corporate responsibility and the maintenance of high ethical standards is not an option but an obligation for all business. Anderson, Jerry. Corporate Social Responsibility: Guidelines for Top Management. Westport: Greenwood Press, Banerjee, Subhabrata. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

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