Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Essay topics on current issues

Essay topics on current issues

My Three Miracles. Indians are non-violent by nature. Coalition Politics in India. Birthday Party I enjoyed. A Silver Key. Mexican immigration as a political controversy.

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Rural Uplift Programme of India. Advertisement or The Age of Advertisements. AIDS- The Dreaded Disease or The AIDS Scare. Role of Judiciary in the Country Today. Reservation for Women in Legislative Assemblies and Parliament. The Coalition Politics. Global Terrorism- The Fight Against Terrorism. Female F oeticide — Acculturate Blemish. Information Technology is a developing technology. Click Here. Regionalism and Nationalism. Man and Environment. Brain Drain. One Day Cricket Match. Future of English in India. A Terrifying Experience. My Pet Aversion. Journalism as a Profession. Freedom of the Press. Drug Addiction. Rising Prices or Price Hike. Family Planning. The Dowry System. Corruption in India.

Population Problem. Black Money In India. Some Popular Indian Superstitions. Communal Riots. Student in Discipline. Are we Happier than Our Forefathers? Man versus Machine. The Television Craze. Impact of Cinema in Life. The Video — CD Craze. Value of Newspapers. Democracy Vs Dictatorship. Future of Democracy in India. Adult Education in India. Participation of Students in Politics. The Present System of Examinations. Importance of Vocational Education. India and The Atom Bomb. A World free from wars.

Advantages of Science. Energy Crisis in the World. Place of Women in Society Today. Computer Its Role in Life Today. Value of Discipline. The impact of Privatization. Role of Banking in Rural Development. Indo—Pak Bridges of Peace. India is a World Power. To Drink or Not to Drink. Role of Students in Free India, essay topics on current issues. The Problem of Beggary in India. Problem of Unemployment. Need for Rural Uplift in India. Science and Religion. Country Life Versus Town Life. Advantages and Disadvantages of Hostel Life. Library and its Uses. Value of Travelling.

Sports and Games—Their Importance. Pleasures of Mountaineering. Life in a Big City. The Concept of Secularism. Modern Fashions. Students and Military Training. Inside an Examination Hall. Your Aim in Life. Your Favourite Book. Your Favourite Writer. Value of Broadcasting. If I Become a Millionaire. A Journey in a Crowded Train. An Ideal Budget. An Ideal Student. Essay topics on current issues and Age. Variety is this Spice of Life. Work is essay topics on current issues. All that Glitters is Not Gold.

Joys and Sorrows go Hand in Hand in Life. Beauties of Nature. An Ideal Citizen. Life in a College. The Value of Friendship. Pleasures of Reading. A Visit to a Historical Place. If I Become The Prime Minister of India. Cowards Die many a Time Before their Death. A College Function. My Likes and Dislikes. Adversity Brings out the Best in Man. The Greatest Day in your Life. A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever, essay topics on current issues. Deficit Financing. Evils of Smuggling. Sexual Harassment: The Hidden Truth. Return of Democracy in Nepal.

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Why can it be difficult to convince older generations to take action against climate change? Mental disorders and vulnerability to homicidal death. The issue of girl education in India. Connection between school bullying and problems in adult life. Is human trafficking modern-day slavery? Investigate how citizens of Cape Town deal with the high crime rate in their city. What is the origin of domestic violence? Do schools in your country work effectively to discourage abusive behavior towards girls? Is there a connection between the strictness of gun laws and homicide rates?

Bullying and sexual harassment at workplace. Discuss the concept of juvenile crimes. Discuss the legitimization of prostitution. Victimology and traditional justice system alternatives. Human services issues from the point of income inequality. The right to privacy vs. safety: a case for surveillance cameras. Police violence and subterfuge. Conflicting theories: gay marriage and feminism. Should professors be required to include more women authors in their reading material? Examine the treatment of the transgender community in healthcare. Are Disney princesses good role models? Gender identity: promotion of equality for sexual orientation. Why do millions of women still have to choose between having a family or a career?

Explain the gender dynamics in development. Queer of color: history and theory. What socio-economic issues do African American families face? Compare the types of social segmentation. Your position on companies renaming well-known brands to avoid claims of racism. Discuss the problem of racism at institutional and interactional levels. Cultivation of racism in the American society. Trace the history of lynching and mob violence against blacks in the American South. Racism as a barrier to educational opportunities. How to responsibly handle classic movies and literature with racial prejudices. Mexican immigration as a political controversy.

Why do migrants from the Middle East face more prejudice than those from Central Europe? What factors make illegal immigration undesirable? Discuss Chinese settlement patterns in America. Should a child born in a foreign country automatically receive citizenship? Why is it still so hostile towards foreigners? Immigrants in Toronto: social and economic challenges. Is there a connection between immigration rates and crime? Explore moral panics associated with other ethnicities. Is male circumcision shortly after birth a violation of human rights? How do you prevent low-income families from sending their children to work? Is using sensitive language incriminating our freedom of speech? Should Europe stop business interactions with countries that violate human rights?

Why are LGBT people around the world not granted the same rights as everyone else? How was slavery justified back in the day? Debate the fairness of the utilitarian approach. Are cruel traditions such as honor killings justified if they are socially accepted? Is the death penalty a justified measure nowadays? Unequal privilege: legal, religious, and social factors. State terrorism vs. critical terrorism. Is the wellbeing of the majority more important than the wellbeing of a minority? Consequences of fortifying the American-Mexican border wall. What are the social causes of obesity in the USA? Police brutality: reasons and countermeasures. Discuss prescription drug abuse in America.

What drugs should be legalized vs. remain illegal? Social causes of eating disorders in adults. What are the benefits and limitations of needle exchange programs? The legacy of Occupy Wall Street. Tackle the problem of prison overcrowding. Key Issues: eSafety Commissioner. Top 10 Most Common Health Issues: University of Rochester Medical Center. Top 10 Most Important Environmental Issues: Iberdrola. War: Social Problems: University of Minnesota. Violence: a Global Public Health Problem: WHO. What Are the Biggest Problems Women Face Today? Issues: National Center for Transgender Equality. List of Issues about Racism: The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Unemployment — this occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. The reason why unemployment is one of the causes of social problems is that it leads to frustration — leading the victims into burglary, looting, murder, theft, robbery, etc. Poverty — this is the lack of a certain amount of material possessions or money. With poverty comes the lack of food, health services, basic human needs, and others. Superstitious beliefs — certain superstitious beliefs are deeply rooted in some societies which promote social problems.

Superstitious beliefs happen because people are innocent; they are not conscious of the consequences of their beliefs and practices. Such people are very gullible. Hence, they are easily convinced and cheated. Gender discrimination profoundly influences our societies. The males finalize most decisions. In most cases, perception may not be visible on the surface. Here are examples of essay topics on social issues: Define racism and describe the impact it can have on society. Write a persuasive essay explaining how social media has impaired face-to-face conversations. Write an essay and demonstrate the challenges single parents face.

Define gender and explain how it impacts the lives of people around you. Explain five stereotypes used towards the LGBT people. Explain how teen pregnancy and how it affects young girls. Does domestic violence affect children? Discuss the causes of bullying in school. What are the consequences of deprivation of health? Do convicts still get punished even after serving time? How fair are labor laws? Is discrimination towards pregnant women on the rise? Pornography Essay Topics: Dealing with pornography addiction Children and pornography. Shaming of pornstars in society. Is suicide common in the porn industry? How a society treats pornstars who cross over to other industries Does pornography addiction affect family life?

Migration and Immigration Topics: Refugees in the world What are the consequences of building a wall between Mexico and America? Living undocumented: the deportation of illegal immigrants What is the history of Australian immigration? Peace and War Topics: Impact of war on terrorism in society Is society keen on peace education? What role do women play in war? War crimes across the world. What role does the media play in wartime? Discrimination and Prejudice Topics: Stereotypes in the US. Racial profiling: How does it affect society? Discrimination in sports Hate speech in the job market White privilege in society Perception of same-sex couples Cultural Property Topics: Cultural heritage theft Protection of cultural heritage Food culture and the differences it stirs in society Illiteracy Topics: Illiteracy in the digital age Problems caused by illiteracy How does emotional illiteracy affect families?

Examples of illiteracy and how they affect American society Violence Topics: The effect of political unrest on domestic violence. An Indian festival or the Diwali. A street beggar. A street quarrel. A house on fire. A river in flood. My grandmother. A bus accident. My friend. My experience of college life. A Wedding. An Election scene. A Scene at Railway Station. The Greedy Dog. A Wise Farmer and His Sons. The Fox and the grapes. The Hen that laid Golden Egg. Robert Bruce and Spider. Three Greedy Friends.

The Hare and The Lion. The Hare and the Tortoise. Unthankful Tiger. Good out of Evil. The Elephant and The Tailor. A Foolish Crow. A Blind man with a lamp. The Lion and The Mouse. Thirsty Crow. The Slave and Lion. The Bee and The Dove. Birthday Party I enjoyed. The scene at an examination centre. Scene at a railway platform. Describe an accident. Describe a school atlas book. My Neighbour. Describe the people you hate. Travelling by a DTC Bus. Passing a night alone in the house. Describe How to Polish your Shoes. Describe Your College Library. Describe your Grandfather. Describe the Newspaper you Read. Mahatma Gandhi. Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan. Jawahar Lal Nehru. Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. Shrimati Indira Gandhi.

Abdul Kalam. Diwali- The Festival of Lights. Republic Day 26 January. A Visit to the Zoo. A visit to a Circus. A visit to a Hospital as an Outdoor Patient. A Visit to a Hair Dresser. A Visit to the Super Bazaar. A Visit to a Ration Shop. Your visit to a holy place. A place of Historical Importance. A visit to a Restaurant. A day in the life of a student. A day in the Life of a Nurse. Autobiography of a doll. Autobiography of a question paper. Autobiography of a Torn Shirt. An Autobiography of a Knife. My first Day at school. My last day at school Saturday. My first Day in an Examination Hall. The House I live in. The Teacher I like Most. The Game I like best. Why I like my school. The Recess Period in a school.

Scene When the School is over. A Scene at a Tonga Stand. The Scene Inside a Cinema Hall. A river in flood as seen by you. Morning Assembly in a School. A Morning Walk A morning walk. My Elder Sister. My best friend. My Family. My Favourite Fruit- Mango. My Idea of a Happy Life. The Ramayana-My Favorite Book. Personas and Things. Imagine that you are a statue in a park. Punctual Life in School. A Wedding Party You Recently Attended. A Birth day Party. Describe Some Memorable occasion in Your life. Describe a Journey by Boat.

A journey by Train. The funniest Person in your Life. Advantages of Telephone. A Day in the Life of a Teacher. My Favourite Leader. My Grandmother is an Asset to the Family. How I spent My Summer Vacation. How I can Serve My Country. How I learnt to ride on a cycle. How My Friends and I spend our leisure. How You Nursed. Taj Mahal on a Moonlight Night. How a thief was Caught. How you would hold the price line. How Science has Changed our lives. Vehicles in The Delhi. If I were the monitor of my class. If I were the Captain of My school Football Team. If I were the principal of my school. If I were a soldier.

If I were the mayor of a City. If Electricity Fails. I had Wings. If there were no Newspaper. If Barbers go on Strike. If I could make myself invisible for a day. A day in the life of an Indian Farmer. A day in sick bed. A day at school. School life. A Foggy Day. My Diary. Imagine yourself to be a Bus Conductor. Things I see-Railway Platform. An ideal school. The People I dislike to Meet. Five Things I Hate. Five things I want to know. I want to become A Teacher or A Doctor. If I Posses on Lakh Rupee. Present I Like Most. Thing I like Most. My Three Miracles. My Neighbor. An Incidence. An Excursion. School Task. Short trip to hill. Restore a lost child. Describe a dust storm. Describe a Rainy Day. Describe the Scene of Robbery.

Describe all that you saw and did. After High School Examination. My First Vote. Waiting for a bus. An Exciting Match. Describe An Incidence. How I feel about the Hijackers. Interview of An Trained Graduate Teacher TGT. I like or dislike being teenager. My Grandmother. Aero Plane-its Beneficial and Harmful. The best way of serving my country. Social Service. A Memorable Day In My Life. The Power of Habit. Farewell Party at School. A Bad Workman Quarrels with His Tools. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine. Problems of Rising Prices. Prosperity Brings Friends. Honesty is The Best Policy. We Live in Deeds. Haste Makes Waste. Knowledge is Power. Look Before You Leap.

No Pains, No Gains. Five Virtues I Admire Most. Necessity is the Mother of Invention. The Wolf and the Lamb. A Faithful Dog and its Master. An Old Arab Merchant. A Cunning Jackal. A Patience. The Cap seller and the Monkeys. A Silver Key. The Monkey and Two Cats. Bad Company. The Shepherd Boy and the wolf. The Hidden Treasure. The Vain Stag. Duties of an Ideal Student. How I saved a Drowning Child. A False Friend. How I caught a Thief. Five Places I like most. My Pet. My Class Room. My First Day at Schoo. Our Neighbours. Goal of My life. Advantages of TV.

Uses of Electricity. Science in Everyday Life. Pollution in Cities. Good Manners. Simple Living and High Thinking. Traveling as a Part of Education. Influence of Newspapers. Reading Hobby. The Rainy Season. The Spring Season. Problems of Working Women. Evils of Caste System. Violence in Public Life. Christmas Festival. How I Celebrated My Birthday. Space Travel. Cycling- Its Pleasures and Advantages. Journey by Train. Visit to a Circus. Five Professions I Admire Most. Our School Library. A Street Fight. A Journey by Bus. The Pen is Mightier than the Sword. Uninvited Guests. Cinema as a Means of Education. The Life of a Soldier. A Quarrelsome Man. Why Indians Should Study English. If I Were A Millionaire. Morning Walk. The tragedy of old age. Is government going out of fashion? Education is Freedom.

Green activism can go too far. Indians are non-violent by nature. Death penalty solves nothing Death. Can Television affect Society? Science: Blessing or Curse? Education in India. Privatization of Education. Child Labour Problem. Working Women Problems. Violence against Women. Farooq Abdullah. Lal Krishan Advani. Prakash Singh Badal. Recollections of My Childhood. A House on Fire. Scenes at a Village Well. A Visit to an Exhibition. A Municipal Election. A Visit to the Museum. A Hockey Match. My Favourite Hobby. Lokpal Bill. Census of India. World Cup Cricket PSLV-C17 Successful Launching. Lord Buddha. Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Jesus Christ. Ashoka-The Great. Rani Lakshmi Bai. Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Chhtrapati Shivaji. Maharana Pratap. Subhash Chandra Bose. Lala Lajpat Rai. Bal Gangadhar Tilak. Bhagat Singh. Mother Teresa. Indira Gandhi. Rabindra Nath Tagore. Great Female Singers of India. Sonia Gandhi. Lal Bhadur Shastri. An Indian Beggar. Our School Peon. My aim in life. The creature I hate most. How I saved a drowning child. How I caught A thief. How I made a cup of tea. On being caught without ticket. An encounter with robbers. Indian Independence day. Republic day celebrations. Holi- The festival of colors. If I were a bird. If I were a cloud.

A flight in an Aero plane. A Journey by Boat. A Railway Journey. A visit to the zoo. A visit to a Museum. A road accident. A Rail Accident. Newspaper Reading. An Indian village An Indian farmer. A village fair. Rural Reconstruction. The Gender Bias. Female Foeticide. Educational Reforms. The Menace of Adulteratio. Drug Abuse. Communal Harmony. National Integration. The future of democracy in India. A Road Accident. Population Control. Terrorism Problem. Corruption in Society. The value of water.

The value of Trees. The value of truth. The Value of Character. The value of Discipline. The Autobiography of a Five Rupee Coin. The Autobiography of a Cloth. The Autobiography of a Mango Tree. The Autobiography of a Horse. If Winter Comes, Can Spring be far behind? The Season I Like Most. Work is Worship. A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed. Slow and Steady Wins the Race. Handsome is That Handsome Does. Science — A Blessing or A Curse. Science and Human Happiness. Some Emerging Science Trends in India. Renewable Energy. Ultraviolet UV Radiation. The Jogging Robots Robots. The Menace of Garbage. The Menace Of Loudspeakers.

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